BC Tomorrow Simulator First Pilot Test Drive

student news updates Jul 17, 2019
It's arrived! Students test BC Tomorrow's simulator for the first time!!!
"It's open me up to so many great opportunities."
 We’re still a ways away from general classroom use. We did manage to capture responses from students and teachers and we managed to capture video!!
Picture this! Exam week, and my classroom fills up with students excited to test our brand new tool - I captured first moments with the BC Tomorrow Simulator all on an iphone. 
We even had a visit from a former student who you might recall from Mini Pilot #2  
How did using the simulator shape her post secondary decisions? 
Find out that and more in this video.
What we know for sure :
"They ( the students) want to know about the environment. They want to help to change the environment. They want to make it better."
"We're able to look at what we do now and see how that's going to affect things 60 years 60 years down the road. So that  can help us shape what we're doing at the moment. It really should be publicized as much as possible."

British Columbia future is in your hands. See what you can do.

Ready to get started? We've created a quickstart guide for you. Follow our handy step by step guide and get BC Tomorrow in your lesson plans in as little as one week!

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