BC Tomorrow Mini Pilot #2 Fall 2017

student news updates Jan 16, 2018

In this 11 minute video we share some summary points from the  students and teachers involved in the BC Tomorrow Fall 2017 mini -pilot. (Mini Pilot #2)

First you will hear from the students.

They share their excitement and discoveries.

What did they learn about big picture thinking?

How can this style of learning be applied to "real life" scenerios?

BC Simulation model is currently under construction. What does that mean for BC Tomorrow students. 

Listen in on how some of the teachers are bringing it all together by using the BC Tomorrow  simulator to enhance greater application of learning in a variety of skills and subjects for the students.

This is one video you won't want to miss.


Ready to get started? We've created a quickstart guide for you. Follow our handy step by step guide and get BC Tomorrow in your lesson plans in as little as one week!

Go to Quickstart Guide

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